Reaching out to the youth

Youth, the most crucial segment, can be reached
through multimedia tools that appeal to the young
like short films, music albums, social sites…

Top Priorities

  • Reach out to the younger generation, the adolescents, those of marriageable age and the recently married young people who can make the immediate change that the Campaign envisages and who can enjoy the fruits of the change, through the media tools that most appeal to them. Short films, music albums, social sites and such other trendy multimedia modes of communication may be used.
  • Convince the common people and the people in the medical profession and medical commerce/industry about the gravity and seriousness of the imminent social crisis resultant from increasing ‘bride-drought’
  • Prepare and supply multi-media tools to all activists, social workers,Governmental and Non-Governmental agencies and Non-Governmental Organisations who are engaged in anti-female-foeticide, pro-girl-child and gender-equality activities and inspire them to utilise these tools to spread the message.
  • Encourage, coordinate and give recognition to those who are engaged in developing tools helpful in the fight against female foeticide and for supporting the girl child
  • Deploy such tools, together with the tools developed by Fight4theFoetus Campaign, to reach all strata and segments of the society, including the perpetrators of sexual discrimination against the girl child
  • Make the message reach more people and better understood, especially the younger generation, by using more appealing methods of catching their attention and touching their hearts, like songs, anecdotes, stories and such other interesting and innovative creations in video and/or audio, through multimedia communication outlets like social sites. English, Hindi, all other regional languages of India and some dialects of India may be used according to the regional background and preferences of the audience.

Social reformation has to be facilitated through the following activities:

  • Community development
  • Progress of the whole community in the following fields is a perquisite for proper development of the community

    • knowledge-based endeavours
    • educational reforms
    • removal of discrimination on the basis of sex, religion,caste, economic status, political affiliations, etc
  • Women development
  • The discrimination against women can be reduced only

    • through universal education of the girl child,
    • economic emancipation of the women folk through financial self-reliance and proper sharing of family property,
    • social empowerment through equanimity in religious rites and social functions and more share in decision-making in family and community matters
    • and political empowerment through greater participation in political activities and more share in governance
  • Laws and their implementation
  • The constitutional clauses and the acts of Parliament have to be implemented properly and amendments have to be made from time to time to cope with the changing times